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Lesmahagow Community Council

Community Council Elections

Community Council Elections - Thursday 27 October 2022 - South Lanarkshire Council


Under the terms of South Lanarkshire Council’s Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils an election will be held for membership of Lesmahagow Community Council on 27th October 2022.  Existing members will cease to hold office as of midnight on 26th October 2022.

Any person on the Register of Electors, for the area of the Community Council who seeks election to their Community Council, should lodge a nomination form signed by the prospective Community Councillor. The form should then be countersigned by a proposer and seconder, both of whom shall also be on the Register of Electors for the area.

Completed nominations forms should be returned to Administration and Legal Services at the address below no later than 4pm on Wednesday 14 September 2022.


The Lesmahagow Community Council area covers Lesmahagow, Brocketsbrae, Hawksland, Dillarburn and Devonburn and extends East as far as Kirkfieldbank Road (Corehouse) and West as far as Dunside Rig and Nutberry hill - see map on attached link:

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