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Lesmahagow Community Council

McKirdy Park fundraiser

McKirdy Park fundraiser


Added at 08:10 on 03 December 2022

Today, LCC and Lesmahagow Development Trust are hosting a fundraiser event for the McKirdy park project - 10am-3pm in the Fountain, Abbeygreen.

Theee will be cake, tea & coffee, refreshments, Giant Jenga, Giant Dominos, and Giant Connect 4 alongside the Disco Dome and soft play.

Alongside LCC & LDT we'll also have Community Action Lanarkshire, Healthy Valleys, Krishna Eco Farm, 3 Valleys Walking Football and Love Gow.

Tickets are free and can be reserved here:

If you want to donate to the park fund you can do so at the event or through this link:


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