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Lesmahagow Community Council

Council Tax Refund Scam

Added on 21 November 2010

SLC have informed us of a bogus caller scam being operated in South Lanarkshire, details of which are below. 
If any details are obtained of any suspicious looking person/s that are carrying out door to door enquiries, details should be provide to Ian Gray at the council Joint Problem Solving Unit via e-mail or Tel call (0141 584 2601) and these will be forwarded to Strathclyde Police. 
Details of the Scam;
Within South Lanarkshire some residents are receiving a phone call from a person purporting to be from the Council Tax Office and advising that a band reduction has been issued and that the resident is due a rebate which can be credited immediately.
Resident is given a reference number and telephone number beginning 09??????????? and asked for bank details to refund credit.

When details are not given, resident is urged to contact telephone number to verify authenticity. Once call is made the resident is immediately charged £15 for calling a premium rate number.

< Opencast At Auldton HeightsLight of Truth Award for local man. >