Police & RBS Partnership
Added on 18 November 2013
Lesmahagow Police have informed us of a new partnership with The Royal Bank of Scotland to raise fraud awareness with local resisdents.
From Monday 18th November local residents will see the RBS Mobile Branch on it's normal route being shadowed by the Clydesdale Mobile Police office whilst both work in unison towards protecting local residents and dealing with issues such as Fraud awareness/ Bogus callers. Local Police have recognised the RBS Mobile Branch service as a good opportunity for them to speak to Customers and the larger local community in Clydesdale about fraud prevention and to encourage members of the public to speak to their local Police officer if they have any concerns or are seeking general advice from Police Scotland.
The Mobile Police office will follow the RBS Mobile Branch for one day per week in alternating routes and further information can be obtained by contacting your local police office on the 101 non emergency number or visiting the 'Your Community' page on the Police Scotland website.
The mobile office will be in Coalburn, just down from the miner's on Monday 18th November 2013 at 1300pm to mark the start of the partnership. At this time police officers and staff from RBS will be dealing with the general public. The Timetable is detailed below so please come along.
Week 1 = RBS Monday all day. ( Monday 18th November 2013 )
Week 2 = RBS Tuesday all day. ( Tuesday 26th November 2013)
Week 3 = RBS Thursday at Underbank & Crossford only. ( Thursday 5th December 2013)
Week 4 = RBS Friday excluding Thornhill. ( Friday 13th December 2013)
Then returning to week 1.
The RBS weekly Mobile Branch route is available to view at http://personal.rbs.co.uk/personal/ways-to-bank-with-us/mobile-branch/lanark.html
I do hope you can manage along and as usual, if you require any further information regarding this new initiative, either contact Sgt. Barry Scott or Inspector Scott Jones on 101